5 advantages of sustainable brand development in B2B

Sustainable brand development is still often neglected in the B2B environment. This is because it takes a lot of effort and, above all, time. Increasing sales, generating more turnover, gaining talent and freedom - we show you five benefits that make investing in your brand worthwhile.
Sometimes you have to go against the established views of a market in order to be successful. This is impressively demonstrated by the movie “The Big Short”. It is about five investors who predict the collapse of the real estate market, which was the trigger for the financial crisis of 2008/09. The protagonists are by no means mindless in their approach, but check their assumptions, look for evidence and - their most important characteristic - wait until the events they have predicted come to pass. After all, the real estate market did not collapse overnight. It took several years for the investments in the short positions and the risk to pay off.
The big profit
How do you benefit from this strategy as a B2B marketer? The steps that the characters in the movie follow, identifying a profitable, albeit controversial, market and waiting for the result, can certainly be applied to the world of B2B marketing.

Because what do many B2B marketing managers often ignore, even though it has long been common practice in B2C marketing? Brand building! Building your own brand in the B2B environment is controversial. However, companies that invest in their branding over the long term benefit from better financial results in terms of market share growth, profitability and turnover. In both the B2C and B2B sectors, brand building is therefore a very sensible investment that a company can make.
The 5 advantages of sustainable B2B brand development at a glance
1. short-term sales
Long-term brand building also increases short-term sales. This is because you are much more likely to buy a brand that you know and like - trust generates business.
2. long-term sales
The obvious main benefit of building your brand is that it has a positive impact on future purchases from prospective buyers who are not yet in the market. Leads, on the other hand, only reach those who are currently ready to buy. Long-term sales are much more important than short-term sales.
This is because companies are valued on the basis of future sales. A large part of the value of a share is based on sales ten years or more in the future. And there are many more buyers “out-of-market” than “in-market”. There may only be 20 customers interested in your product today, but in ten years' time there could be 200. You can reach these customers through branding.
3. pricing
B2B marketers often only focus on their influence on sales and completely ignore their influence on price. Yet reducing price sensitivity is perhaps the most valuable thing marketing can do. Research shows that well-known B2B brands can charge higher prices for their products and services.

4. talent acquisition
Potential employees are significantly more likely to respond to recruitment campaigns if they have seen a brand message first. Just as shoppers want to buy from famous brands, people want to work for famous brands.
5. freedom
Industries and products are mortal, brands are immortal. Every industry and every product eventually becomes obsolete. When that happens, your strong brand gives you the freedom you need to move into a new, growing industry or a changing product environment. Think Nokia: from rubber boots to cell phones to cloud networking solutions - products and industries change, the successful brand remains.
How to successfully build your own brand

Companies need to keep many factors in mind for sustainable brand building. These include consistent communication to create a coherent customer experience, a focus on purpose in their own products and services, building trust, the use of their own employees as ambassadors, identification with their own environment and a willingness to engage in dialog with customers.
In this article, the Evernine Group has summarized how companies can build their brand by investing in their communication. You can also find further information on the topic in this quick guide.